
A dental tour is a trip to get dental treatment, combined with tourism and recreation. A trip to Ukraine is a good chance to get an inexpensive, but quality treatment and learn more about our beautiful country. Dental tourism is very popular among Europeans.

How does the dental tourism program go:

-Sign up for treatment in any way you want: by calling us, via Viber, or emailing us.

-Send your X-ray diagnostic (orthopantomograme, 3D images of a cone beam computed tomography in dicom format), photo of your face and smile as needed so we can determine what treatment you need.

-Your treatment will be considering to an individual plan developed specifically for you. We will calculate the cost of treatment, the time spent in the clinic, the number of visits.

-We will select for you a hotel or apartment located near the clinic, also we arrange a shuttle as needed.

-You will choose the entertainment program based on your interests.

Contact us

м. Kolomyia
Mykhailo Hrushevsky pr., 8a
+380 95 435 1157
+380 97 744 1588


Contact us if you have a question

Bohdana Lepkoho str., 47b
+380 68 814 8949
+380 95 196 8949
